[카루소스] 내츄럴 헬시 퀵 클렌즈 15일 디톡스 프로그램 + 프로바이오틱
정상가격: 109,000
판매가격: 87,600 원
상품코드: PROD2000952

General Information

What is detoxification? 
Detoxification is an important natural process of elimination and removal of unwanted waste substances from your body. Detoxification is a natural body process to help detoxify and cleanse the body's five organs of elimination. 
How does the Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program work? 
The quality Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program contains 4 herbal and nutritional formulas which when combined, helps optimise the detoxification process; Stomach Clear supports healthy digestion while Liver Detox helps with detoxification and maintaining healthy liver function. Bowel Clear improves bowel waste elimination. Caruso’s CraveLESS assists with the metabolism of fats and aids in reducing sugar cravings.  


? This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings before purchase
? If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your health professional
? Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet
? Contains sorbates, sugars and tree nuts 
? Whenever su?ering from constipation, increase fibre in your diet alongside plenty of water
? Blood glucose levels should be monitored when used in conjunction
with hypoglycaemic drugs and insulin
? Whenever suffering from constipation, always drink plenty of water
? You should be aware that prolonged use of laxatives may lead to dependence and cause serious bowel problems

Common Uses

Why Use Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program?

Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program supports your body's natural detoxification processes by;
? Helping to increase bowel evacuation and waste elimination
? Reducing mild gastrointestinal tract inflammation
? Assisting liver cleansing & protection
? Helping with the metabolism of fats
? Aiding in managing sugar cravings

Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program has been formulated to relieve:

? Constipation
? Bloating
? Flatulence/Gas
? Indigestion 
? Abdominal cramping & griping pain


Stomach Clear: 
Active Ingredients. Each Tablet Contains:
Carica papaya (Paw Paw) dry fruit powder ………………………………250mg
Plantago afra (Psyllium) dry seed husk powder …………………………100mg
Mentha X piperita (Peppermint) ext.dry conc………………………………12.5mg
From dry leaf….50mg
Zingiber officinale (Ginger) ext.dry conc………………………..………….20mg
From min dry rhizome……100mg
Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) ext.dry conc…………………………………22.73mg
From dry fruit…………100mg
Gentiana lutea (Gentian) ext.dry conc………………………………………25mg
From dry root……100mg
Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke) ext.dry conc…………….……………25mg
From dry leaf…….100mg
Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) ext.dry conc……………………….…………10mg
From dry fruit hull………100mg
Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) ext.dry conc………………………………25mg
From dry stem bark inner……100mg
Citrus bioflavonoids extract………………………………………….………..50mg
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate ………………………………………………...10mg
Equiv. Magnesium 1.2mg
Clove powder………………………….……………….…………………………50mg
Equiv. Clove oil…5ml

Liver Detox:
Active Ingredients. Each Tablet Contains:
Silybum marianum (St Mary’s Thistle) ext.dry conc………………214.29mg
From min dry fruit…..(15,000mg) 15g
std. to Flavanolignans as Silybin 180mg
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) ext.dry conc..........................100mg
From dry root………………500mg
Bupleurum falcatum (Bupleurum) ext.dry conc..............................25mg
From dry root…………………….250mg
Schisandra chinensis (Schisandra) ext.dry conc........................62.50mg
From dry fruit………250mg
Astragalus membranaceus (Astragalus) ext.dry conc ................10mg
From dry root……………..100mg
Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) ext.dry conc…………......................8.33mg
From dry root …...50mg
Choline bitartrate...............................................................................250mg

Caruso's CraveLESS:
Each tablet contains:

Layer one: Blood Sugar Matrix
Gymnema sylvestre (Gymnema) ext. dry conc. ..……….400mg
    From min. dry leaf 8000mg
    Standardised to Gymnemic acids 100mg
Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon) ext. dry conc. ……….33.33mg
    From dry stem bark 500mg
Chromium picolinate…………………………………………………200micrograms
    Equiv. to chromium 24.86micrograms

Layer two: Liver Support Matrix
Silybum marianum (Milk Thistle) ext. dry conc. ………...114.29mg
    From min. dry fruit 8000mg
    Standardised to Flavanolignans calc. as Silybin 91.43mg
Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke) ext. dry conc. ……...30mg
    From min. fresh leaf 1500mg
    Standardised to Caffeoylquinic acids 1.5mg 

Caruso's Bowel Clear:

Active Ingredients. Each Tablet Contains Herbal Extract Equiv. to:
Frangula purshiana (Cascara) ext. dry conc……….105.3mg 
from dry stem bark 500mg 
Salvia officinalis (Sage) ext. dry conc………………. 90.91mg 
from dry leaf 500mg 
Calendula officinalis (Calendula) ext. dry conc……..125mg 
from dry flower 500mg, 
Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) ext. dry conc………….35mg 
from dry fruit hull 350mg 
Rheum palmatum (Rhubarb) ext. dry conc…………..50mg 
from dry root 200mg 
Inula Britannica (Elecampane) ext. dry conc…………25mg 
from dry flower 100mg


Directions for Use: 

Before Breakfast: 1 x Bowel Clear
After Breakfast: 1 x CraveLESS
Before Lunch: 1 x Stomach Clear
After Lunch: 1 x CraveLESS
Before Dinner: 1 x Stomach and 1 x Liver Detox 

After Dinner: 1 x Bowel Clear
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[카루소스]내츄럴 헬시 퀵 클렌즈 7일 디톡스 프로그램 + 프로바이오틱
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